General cleaning is really advisable to keep our home clean as well as our environment; and there must have a time for cleaning and it can be done maybe week ends. There is always tension in times of cleaning, especially only alone is performing that task, but it should be done equally among members of the family
Concentrated effort doesn’t mean that you do it alone. If you are a member of that family and you live the same house of course you are oblige to help in cleaning to maintain cleanliness in your homes not unless you live separately with your family.
There must be a division of labor. Give each one responsibility for cleaning. One is assign to clean the floors, someone in charge for dish washing, one headed to the garden, clean windows, organizing the garage. Cooperation and connecting one another to our whole family will not only minimize different household task to different people. All of these things will lead to a better family and have always a spirit of togetherness.
modaraka.. pamlimpyo ok?? hahaha
I feel there is a need to provide home cleaning services alongwith this as well since one always wants to hire the best services for themselves as well.
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